Water Analysis Using LAMBDA UV/Visible Spectrophotometers: Iron Determination | PerkinElmer
Brief PMS299 D

Application Note

Water Analysis Using LAMBDA UV/Visible Spectrophotometers: Iron Determination



Iron is rarely found in its elemental form in nature due to the high tendency of its ions, Fe(II) and Fe(III), to form oxygen and sulphur containing compounds. Concentrations of iron found in surface waters are typically no greater than 1 mg/L, unless contaminated by industrial effluents, whilst much higher concentrations are found in ground waters. The World Health Organization guideline for iron in drinking water is 0.3 mg/L as undesirable bacteria growth in water systems occurs above this concentration. In this application, the quantitative analysis of iron was performed using the LAMBDA 265™ UV/Vis spectrophotometer and CHEMetrics iron cell test kit.