We offer a range of filters and filtration products for all of your analytical and biological testing needs.
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Ideal for purifying GC/MS carrier gases. Kit includes trap with Helium conditioning, stainless steel fittings, and one position base plate. Operational with 15 minute purge after installation.
Includes 1/8 inch stainless steel fititngs.
Includes 1/4 inch Stainless Steel particle filter.
Includes 1/8 inch stainless steel fititngs.
Includes 1/8 inch stainless steel fititngs.
High-capacity, high-efficiency trap used for long-term protection of capillary column stationary phases against oxidation at GC operating temperatures.
For the removal of oxygen and sulfur compounds from GC gases containing < 1% oxygen.
For the elimination of potential hydrocarbon background. Recommended for use downstream of a high capacity oxygen trap.
Pre-instrument in-line filter trap for removal of moisture, oil, and dust from GC input gases.
Kit Includes Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbon Triple Trap and two 0.125 in Brass Connectors.
Helium-Specific Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbon Triple Trap.
Kit includes Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbon Triple Trap and two 0.125 in Stainless Steel fittings.
Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbon Triple Trap designed with Click-On adaptor connectors that allow inline cartridges to be exchanged without introducing oxygen.
Inline trap designed with Click-On adaptor connectors that allow inline cartridges to be exchanged without introducing oxygen.
Kit includes Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbon Triple Trap and two 0.125 in Brass fittings.
Kit includes Combination Oxygen/Moisture Trap and two 0.125 in Brass fittings.
Inline trap designed with Click-On adaptor connectors that allow inline cartridges to be exchanged without introducing oxygen.